We do all the heavy lifting so that you don’t have to. We provide you with a quick and secure environment to build your website and services in. We do all the installations so that you don’t need to worry about files, disks or memory


We put it all together for you and install the core software, giving you the best leap off point to install your software to the system via remote access. We secure the “root” user to make sure your server is safe upon initialization.


We provide all the tools you need to make sure you have the best website or hosting experience you can have. We supply domains, SSL Certificates, E-Mail Services and more to make sure you are well covered.


That Hosting Company originally began as a small part-time website design firm in 1996 called “Shadowed Web Solutions”. We provided low-cost website design solutions to customers across the Greater Toronto Area and noted that we were spending a lot of time trying to locate services for our customers for affordable web site hosting. We noted a lot of local hosting service offerings claiming to be website hosting companies, but actually turning out to be resellers for companies out of the United States.

We only performed work at Shadowed Web Solutions as a part-time, hobby style of business on a referral basis only. Slowly the requests for website design began to disappear as more and more people began to offer this service. At the same time, we noted that the offerings for actual website hosting service began to dwindle. We were doing our best to locate services for customer that were requesting Canadian-based Hosting Services for our customers and in the process noting that the reseller industry was becoming larger as the actual hosting companies were disappearing by either going out of business or being sold to providers in the United States.

In early 2013, we began to switch over out website design services to more of a website hosting provider. We purchased a small server and set it up in a Markham, Ontario Data Center with our core of 12 clients. We assisted them in setting up all the services with them and importing all the files and databases to make sure everything was running correctly. Though our partnerships with Tucows, we were able to offer Domain Registrations and SSL Certificates. Since 2013 we have upgraded our servers to provide additional services to our customers and maintained the softwares to ensure that everything is up to date. It is at this time that we made the change to “That Hosting Company”

Over the course of 2014, That Hosting Company joined the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade. At that time, we introduced Dedicated Servers running Linux or Windows Server and Linux-Based VPS services as part of our offerings. We also began to offer Tucows E-mail Services as an alternative solution to using a hosting service solution.

In 2015, we added Windows VPS server on our KVM and XEN based VPS Servers. Additionally, with working with partners in Canada, we added Office 365, Hosted Cloud-Based Exchange Services and more.

Keeping with our tradition, we have worked diligently with our partners in 2016 to investigate the possibility of offering cloud-based solutions to our customers. In 2016, That Hosting Company was nominated for the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Business Excellence Award for the 1-9 Employee Category and we were awarded with the “Excellent Service” Award by Hostadvice.com.

In 2017, That Hosting Company was again nominated for the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Business Excellence Awards in the 1-9 Employee CategoryHostAdvice.com also renewed our Excellent Service Award for the 2017 year. Our goal for 2017 was to simplify the processes needed for Website Hosting Services and make the services as understandable as possible for our customers. We did so by relating Website Hosting to the different elements of a home and how the two relate.

System Notice

All users have been removed from the cluster and are now on temporary servers. If you are having issues with Email, Please check your settings and make sure you are not using Aether.thathosting.company as your server address or in any of your links. You should always be using your domain name for server configuration or logins for webmail. To access webmail using your domain, simply enter your domain into your browser window and add /webmail at the end.

-> updated June 2,2022 @8:00AM EST.

You may note that the Login to cPanel and Login to Webmail links inside your services section will lead to a suspension page. This is normal as we have removed you from the affected server. The issue should be fixed once we move everyone back to the cluster. If you need immediate access, please submit a support ticket.

-> Update June 2, 2022 @11:00AM EST