
IPv4 availability has officially been depleted in North America

You may have heard this before, but we are really, really running out of public IPv4 addresses. This week, the regional internet registry responsible for Latin America and the Caribbean, LACNIC, announced it has moved to “phase 3” of its plan to dispense with the remaining network addresses, meaning that only companies that have not received any IPv4 space are eligible. There is no phase 4. That

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Canada and Data Sovereignty for Compliance

Did you know that certain industries are required to retain all their data within Canada due to Data Sovereignty ? First thing’s first: what does Data Sovereignty mean, exactly? Data sovereignty is the notion that data and digital information is protected by the laws of the country it is physically stored in. For obvious reasons, this issue has become a hot topic for cloud providers

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System Notice

All users have been removed from the cluster and are now on temporary servers. If you are having issues with Email, Please check your settings and make sure you are not using as your server address or in any of your links. You should always be using your domain name for server configuration or logins for webmail. To access webmail using your domain, simply enter your domain into your browser window and add /webmail at the end.

-> updated June 2,2022 @8:00AM EST.

You may note that the Login to cPanel and Login to Webmail links inside your services section will lead to a suspension page. This is normal as we have removed you from the affected server. The issue should be fixed once we move everyone back to the cluster. If you need immediate access, please submit a support ticket.

-> Update June 2, 2022 @11:00AM EST